
Subject Verb Agreement Vocabulary

Subject-verb agreement is essential in writing. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb of a sentence in terms of number, person, and tense. This agreement is crucial because it ensures that the sentence is grammatically correct, clear, and easy to understand. In this article, we will explore the subject-verb agreement vocabulary that every copy editor should know.


The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action or is the focus of the sentence. It can be a single word or a group of words. Here are some subject-verb agreement vocabulary related to subjects:

Singular subject: A subject that refers to one person, place, thing, or idea. Example: The cat is sleeping on the couch.

Plural subject: A subject that refers to more than one person, place, thing, or idea. Example: The cats are sleeping on the couch.

Compound subject: A subject that has two or more nouns or pronouns joined by a coordinating conjunction. Example: The book and the pen are on the table.

Collective noun subject: A singular noun that represents a group of individuals. Example: The team is playing well.

Indefinite pronoun subject: A pronoun that does not refer to a specific person or thing. Example: Everybody is welcome to attend.


A verb is a word that expresses an action or state of being. It agrees with the subject in terms of number, person, and tense. Here are some subject-verb agreement vocabulary related to verbs:

Singular verb: A verb that agrees with a singular subject. Example: The dog barks at the mailman.

Plural verb: A verb that agrees with a plural subject. Example: The dogs bark at the mailman.

Irregular verb: A verb that does not follow the regular conjugation rules. Example: The child ate all the cookies.

Auxiliary verb: A verb that helps the main verb in a sentence. Example: We have been waiting for hours.

Modal verb: A verb that expresses possibility, ability, or permission. Example: I can play the guitar.


Tense refers to the time of the action or state of being expressed by the verb. The tense of the verb must be consistent with the tense of the subject in a sentence. Here are some subject-verb agreement vocabulary related to tense:

Present tense: A tense that describes an action or state of being that is happening now. Example: She sings in the choir.

Past tense: A tense that describes an action or state of being that happened in the past. Example: They walked to the store.

Future tense: A tense that describes an action or state of being that will happen in the future. Example: We will go to the beach tomorrow.

Perfect tense: A tense that describes an action or state of being that was completed at some point in the past. Example: She has studied for hours.

Progressive tense: A tense that describes an action or state of being that is ongoing or continuing. Example: He is swimming in the pool.


In summary, subject-verb agreement is crucial in writing to ensure clear and grammatically correct sentences. As a copy editor, it is important to understand the subject-verb agreement vocabulary related to subjects, verbs, and tense to be able to spot errors and make necessary adjustments. With these tools, you can improve the readability and effectiveness of any written piece.